Regional Finalist at The Wedding Industry Awards 2017!


The shot above is of a wedding guest doing just what I did when I checked my emails today, as I found out I’m a Finalist in The Wedding Industry Awards for the South West region! This is such an honour, and such lovely news to get; thank you *so* much to all my lovely couples who took the time to vote for me, it really means so much.

Last year I had the absolute honour of winning the regional; it would be *amazing* to do it again this year, but if I don’t (it’s now up to the judges, who’ll pore over my work, website, and feedback to see who the worthy winner is, to be found out at the awards night at the end of the month), I’m honoured to have made it to the finals again. Such a great award, with so many amazing photographers taking part…..eeek, very excited for the awards night!

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